Today's news reminds me of the old joke about the doctor and his patient. The man walks in and twists his arm around and says, "Doc, it hurts when I do this." And the doctor replied: "Then stop doing that!"
This is my message to folks who are offended that some NFL players are silently kneeling during the National Anthem: Simple - don't watch! But more on that in a moment.
This reminds me of my tattoo. Yes, at the age of 68, I got a small tattoo on my ankle. Why? Because I've wanted to get one since I was 18 and figured, really, at this point in my life I should be able to do it. However ... when I took a substitute job at my old high school, some teachers were super upset!
"Why in god's name did you get a tattoo?"
"That makes you look like trailer trash ... you know that, don't you?"
"Why would you do THAT to yourself?"
My reply is simple: If my small, plain tattoo offends you so much, then why do you continue looking at it? Huh? I got the tattoo on July 31 and I will bet that on August 1, every person on this planet went about their day as usual because ... my tattoo doesn't affect anyone but ME! But, you see, these teachers couldn't stand the fact that I did something they won't do - and they felt the need to criticize me for it even though it doesn't affect them at all.
Same with the current NFL protests. If seeing an NFL player kneel silently during the National Anthem offends you, then don't watch! Don't put yourself through that horror! Just use your clicker to go to another channel for two minutes. Take a trip to the bathroom or the kitchen. I'm sure you need to refill the chip bowl and grab another beer. So simple, really. If you CHOOSE to watch, then you are a masochist and I'm sure there are therapists who can help you deal with that. But I'm telling you how to handle it without charging you a penny!
It's quite clear that you are willing to restrict their 1st Amendment rights so I won't even address that. And it's obvious that even though their peaceful protest doesn't affect your life in any way, you are more than willing to criticize them ... and you want to force them to do it YOUR way. I won't address that, either.
I'm addressing what you can control: YOUR actions. So ... just don't watch! It will make you feel better ... really, it will. If you must listen to the National Anthem prior to the start of the game, simply turn your back to the TV. Put your hand over your heart. And thank your lucky stars that you live in a country where you have the freedom to make that choice.