- Wake up. Turn the lights on, go pee. Your utility rates are controlled by the Arizona Corporation Commission, a political body. The water/sewer charge is controlled by the city. Yep - politics/government!
- Take shower, get dressed. See above for the water/sewer charge. Now, add up the sales tax you paid for every item of clothing you put on. Yep - politics/government!
- Make coffee, heat up a breakfast burrito from Taco Bell. Your water is safe to drink because of government regulations and testing. Your burrito's ingredients are part of the food inspection program and the restaurant itself is inspected as part of government regulations/requirements. Yep - politics/government ... again!
- Drive to work. Boy, howdy ... how much time do you have? Auto safety standards set by the government. Gas taxes. Mandatory insurance. License and registration requirement/fees. Speed limits. Auto emission standards and penalties. Street construction, traffic control - city's responsibility. Yep - politics/government ... are you starting to see a pattern here?
- Work. Depending on your job ... 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act >> hours, pay, overtime. Anti-discrimination laws. Whistle-blower protection. Yep, politics/government ... even at your job!
- Daughter's conference with teacher. Schools ... wow ... get ready! Mandatory school attendance, school district taxes, curriculum and testing requirements, graduation requirements, textbook selection, athletic participation requirements. Yep - politics/government.
- Son's soccer game. Public park preparation, control, taxes, maintenance. Yep - politics/government even at a child's athletic event.
- Night class. Yes, you want to get that college degree so you can make more money! Tuition and fees set by the state Board of Regents. Curriculum and requirements approved through BofR. Taxes to support higher education. Yep - politics/government.
- R&R after a long day. TV programming on major networks controlled by FCC. Taxes on TV and other entertainment devices. WiFi controlled by FCC. Yep - politics/government ... even watching TV.
- To bed. Be sure to use birth control if you don't want more children because your reproductive choice is a target of one political party. Cost of birth control - taxes. Some birth control requires doctor appointment/prescription. Pharmacists in some states are allowed, by law, to refuse filling your prescription for birth control. Yep - politics/government ... even in your very personal sex life!
- Sleep. Mattress - truth in advertising and taxes associated with purchase of bed, linens. Military/police protection so that you have a better chance of waking up in the morning to start all over again. Yep - politics/government.
All day, every day. There is NO part of your day that doesn't involve politics/government. But you can't be bothered to vote to protect YOUR interests? Really? Maybe you WILL once you start losing the things that matter most to you ... but by that time, it might be too late.