Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Your guns - I call police!

The NRA tells us we will all be much safer if more people are packing.  Guns, guns everywhere ... all kinds of guns!  Guns at home, guns in schools, guns on the streets, guns in stores and restaurants and bars - and in the car, for sure.  Hey, a gun really comes in handy while involved in a road rage incident on the freeway at 70 mph!

So let me tell you what will happen when I see you walk into a store or a restaurant with your AR-15 ... or any other kind of firearm.  I will call police.

Arizona is an open-carry state.  Do I want to change that?  No.  Do I want to take away your firearms?  No.

But know this:  If I see you with your firearm in a public place, I will do what's necessary to 1) protect myself and 2) protect others.  I will slowly retreat and call 9-1-1.

Now, why in the world would I call police when you are a law-abiding citizen?  The answer is simple:

I WON'T KNOW IF YOU ARE A GOOD GUY ... OR A BAD GUY ... you'll just be a guy with a gun, and I'm not going to take a chance on guessing incorrectly.

Nothing will happen to you, but you will be inconvenienced.  Police have no choice but to stop and question you - and people will be watching and probably taking photos/videos with their phones.  You'll go viral in minutes! Once you have convinced officers that you're packing just because you want to show off what a manly man you are, they will let you go.  

I will be thankful that you didn't open fire on innocent people, but I will also reflect on what might have happened.  And, perhaps you should reflect, too.  Maybe someone else in that store will be armed as well - and won't bother calling law enforcement. The possibilities are numerous - and none are pleasant.

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