Friday, August 23, 2024

Promises, promises - and then NOTHING!

I have to laugh.  Really, I have to laugh.

Donald Trump blasted Kamala Harris for "promising" things without giving details.  Really? 

This sad, pathetic old man (yes, that's what he's turned into) made lots of promises before and after he was elected in 2016.  And he had four years (two of which where he enjoyed a Republican majority in Congress) to make good on those pledges.  Let's take a look, shall we?

1) He promised to put forth an immigration reform plan.  NEVER HAPPENED!

2) He promised every couple weeks to announce his plan for healthcare reform.  NEVER HAPPENED!

3) He promised a "huge" package to improve infrastructure.  Again, NEVER HAPPENED!

Hey, Donny ... uh ... what happened to YOUR promises?

Okay, he promised to build a border wall and said Mexico would pay for it.  He did build about 452 miles of border wall.  However, only 80 miles of new barriers were built where there were none beforeThe vast majority of the 452 miles repaired existing structures at the border that had been built by previous US administrations. In 2019 he used national emergency powers to divert funds from the Department of Defense (yep, from our military) after Congress rejected more money for the wall. And Mexico didn't pay a dime!  Another promise broken.  And just so you know ... in January, 2020, winds of about 30 mph blew down part of his precious new wall in the Calexico, CA area.  Then one day later, high winds blew a section of newly installed panels against trees lining a road in Mexicali, a city on the Mexican side of the border.  

Wow!  So much for the promise of that glorious wall!

Wait a minute ... can't forget his promise to cut taxes.  And he did - kind of.  His tax bill was skewed to the rich! Households with incomes in the top 1 percent received an average tax cut of more than $60,000, compared to an average tax cut of less than $500 for households in the bottom 60 percent.  Shows where his allegiance is, doesn't it? He doesn't care about the middle class and never has.

He also promised that his tax plan would really deliver economic benefits.  According to the Congressional Budget Office that promise failed, too. He said his corporate tax rate cut would lead to a $4,000 boost in household income. But research shows that workers who earned less than about $114,000 on average in 2016 saw “no change in earnings” from the corporate tax rate cut, while top executive salaries increased sharply. 

So, Trump needs to shut his mouth about "promises" because that's all he has.   Harris has an actual record of accomplishment, having been an integral part of the Biden Administration.  Trump has nothing but hot air - and continued lies -  and that's certainly nothing to brag about.  And it gives us no reason to believe that four more years of that blowhard will give us anything different.

1 comment:

  1. If I'm not mistaken, his huge (lmao) tax cut for the middle class ends in 2025! However, the cut for the1% does not expire!!!!!!
