Saturday, July 15, 2017

Wearing my RESIST t-shirt!

You will find that this post is much like the last one I made in March ... but time does move along and I think the theme is just as important - maybe more so.

Yes, I live in a red state.  Good 'ole Arizona keeps electing Republicans no matter who they are or what they do.  So, it's pretty obvious that when I wear my RESIST t-shirt, I stand out in the crowd.  That shirt attracts some attention, not all of it positive.  But sometimes - like today - it gives me a chance to inform and educate.

I was checking out at the grocery store and the cashier said, "You're resisting, huh?"  I politely told her that I am resisting because my values are being assaulted and I really need to do something.  She said she tries to keep up with things, but it's getting so depressing, she mostly stays away from the news.  The 20-something young man who was busy bagging my groceries was listening. I remarked that if we don't pay any attention and remain silent, our lawmakers assume that silence means we agree with what they are doing.  

Young man: "I don't get why it's so important to know about the government."

Well, the social studies teacher in me saw visions of quick lesson plans and a semi-captive audience.  I had just a few moments before all my groceries were bagged and in the cart.

Me: "The government affects your life every single day and I can prove it."

Young man  (grinning ... hey, what does the old lady know, right?):  "Okay, prove it."

Me: "How did you get to work today?"

Young man: "My car."

That's when I went into my spiel about mandatory auto insurance (state government), auto safety standards (federal government), fuel taxes (federal/state), car loan interest (depends on prime rate set by feds), driver license (state), vehicle registration (state), traffic signs/lights (city government), speed limits (city), street maintenance (city) .....

Now my groceries were bagged and in the cart and I started to leave, telling the young man that government goes way beyond just his car!  The cashier said, "Thank you!" and so did the man in line behind me.  The young man wanted to know if I needed help and I thanked him for the offer, but told him I could handle it.  However ... he took the cart and started to the door!

Outside, he asked for more since I only told him about his car.  So ... in blistering heat, I told him as much as I could about other ways the government affects him every single day.  

Young man (after finishing loading my groceries in the car):  "Okay, you proved it.  But do I have to watch all the news and know everything?"

Me: "No.  But you certainly should make an effort to keep somewhat informed so you can find out if you like what our elected officials are doing ... or not.  Then you need to let them know.  YOUR views are important but they mean nothing if you don't share them with the people who make the laws that affect you."

He grinned ... did a funny little salute thing ... and said, "Just wait 'til I tell my friends!  They don't know any of this stuff!"

I think I need to buy a couple more RESIST t-shirts.  😊

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