Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Did I lie to my students?

I was driving around running errands today and listening to NPR news - and I nearly cried.  It suddenly occurred to me that my former students probably think "that old woman lied to us."  

You see, when teaching U.S. History and U.S. Government, I always covered the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Amendments.  I used many primary sources to teach the subject: minutes of the meetings and conventions, Federalist Papers, letters and notes from one founder to another, and memoirs written by those men involved in the drafting of those extraordinary documents.

My students spent a little extra time on the First Amendment because when one looks at those primary sources, it becomes clear that our nation's founders considered the First Amendment to be the most important amendment to the U.S. Constitution. And when you think about it ... without the First Amendment, the rest mean nothing!  Really ... without the First Amendment, the rest are useless! In case anyone needs a reminder:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly and Petition. Interpretation of this amendment is far from easy, as court case after court case has tried to define the limits of these freedoms.  Example:  Your free speech rights don't give you the right to yell, "Fire!" in a crowded theater because that endangers the lives and safety of others.  Example:  Burning your American flag is not a crime because the flag is a symbol of freedom, not freedom itself.

And all of this brings me to the current controversy surrounding some NFL players who are petitioning their government (yes, that's exactly what they are doing) by kneeling during the National Anthem. They are protesting the social injustice that exists in America.  This country's president made their protest a cause celebre because his approval numbers are way down and he needs his supporters to chant his name.  So he changed the narrative, claiming the protest is against the flag, the National Anthem, the military and who knows what else ... maybe even apple pie and the iPhone.  And his supporters bought it - hook, line and sinker.

Then the Vice-President spent a few minutes at an NFL game and walked out in protest when some NFL players took a knee.  That little display of "patriotism" cost taxpayers about $242,000 and had been staged prior to the trip.

And today, the NFL commissioner asked all NFL teams to stand during the National Anthem with a namby-pamby statement of unity, blah, blah, blah.  It is interesting to note that the commissioner's  statement comes after the president threatened to yank the NFL's tax-exempt status.  Can the president actually do that on his own?  I don't know.  

But what I do know is that my former students have just witnessed the president, vice-president, NFL commissioner and probably some of their friends, co-workers and family members ... all take nasty jabs at the First Amendment, just more attempts to tear it apart.  I'm sure those young people are wondering why I made such a big deal about the importance of that amendment ... not only to our country, but to their individual lives.  

And they might think I lied to them.  When I look around at the angry faces of people who are more than willing to chip away at the First Amendment ... well, maybe I did lie.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Just don't do it!

Today's news reminds me of the old joke about the doctor and his patient.  The man walks in and twists his arm around and says, "Doc, it hurts when I do this."  And the doctor replied:  "Then stop doing that!"

This is my message to folks who are offended that some NFL players are silently kneeling during the National Anthem:  Simple - don't watch!  But more on that in a moment.  

This reminds me of my tattoo.  Yes, at the age of 68, I got a small tattoo on my ankle.  Why?  Because I've wanted to get one since I was 18 and figured, really, at this point in my life I should be able to do it.  However ... when I took a substitute job at my old high school, some teachers were super upset!

"Why in god's name did you get a tattoo?"

"That makes you look like trailer trash ... you know that, don't you?"

"Why would you do THAT to yourself?" 

My reply is simple:  If my small, plain tattoo offends you so much, then why do you continue looking at it?  Huh?  I got the tattoo on July 31 and I will bet that on August 1, every person on this planet went about their day as usual because ... my tattoo doesn't affect anyone but ME!  But, you see, these teachers couldn't stand the fact that I did something they won't do - and they felt the need to criticize me for it even though it doesn't affect them at all.

Same with the current NFL protests.  If seeing an NFL player kneel silently during the National Anthem offends you, then don't watch!  Don't put yourself through that horror!  Just use your clicker to go to another channel for two minutes.  Take a trip to the bathroom or the kitchen.  I'm sure you need to refill the chip bowl and grab another beer.  So simple, really.  If you CHOOSE to watch, then you are a masochist and I'm sure there are therapists who can help you deal with that.  But I'm telling you how to handle it without charging you a penny!

It's quite clear that you are willing to restrict their 1st Amendment rights so I won't even address that.  And it's obvious that even though their peaceful protest doesn't affect your life in any way, you are more than willing to criticize them ... and you want to force them to do it YOUR way.  I won't address that, either.

I'm addressing what you can control:  YOUR actions.  So ... just don't watch!  It will make you feel better ... really, it will.  If you must listen to the National Anthem prior to the start of the game, simply turn your back to the TV.  Put your hand over your heart.  And thank your lucky stars that you live in a country where you have the freedom to make that choice.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Wearing my RESIST t-shirt!

You will find that this post is much like the last one I made in March ... but time does move along and I think the theme is just as important - maybe more so.

Yes, I live in a red state.  Good 'ole Arizona keeps electing Republicans no matter who they are or what they do.  So, it's pretty obvious that when I wear my RESIST t-shirt, I stand out in the crowd.  That shirt attracts some attention, not all of it positive.  But sometimes - like today - it gives me a chance to inform and educate.

I was checking out at the grocery store and the cashier said, "You're resisting, huh?"  I politely told her that I am resisting because my values are being assaulted and I really need to do something.  She said she tries to keep up with things, but it's getting so depressing, she mostly stays away from the news.  The 20-something young man who was busy bagging my groceries was listening. I remarked that if we don't pay any attention and remain silent, our lawmakers assume that silence means we agree with what they are doing.  

Young man: "I don't get why it's so important to know about the government."

Well, the social studies teacher in me saw visions of quick lesson plans and a semi-captive audience.  I had just a few moments before all my groceries were bagged and in the cart.

Me: "The government affects your life every single day and I can prove it."

Young man  (grinning ... hey, what does the old lady know, right?):  "Okay, prove it."

Me: "How did you get to work today?"

Young man: "My car."

That's when I went into my spiel about mandatory auto insurance (state government), auto safety standards (federal government), fuel taxes (federal/state), car loan interest (depends on prime rate set by feds), driver license (state), vehicle registration (state), traffic signs/lights (city government), speed limits (city), street maintenance (city) .....

Now my groceries were bagged and in the cart and I started to leave, telling the young man that government goes way beyond just his car!  The cashier said, "Thank you!" and so did the man in line behind me.  The young man wanted to know if I needed help and I thanked him for the offer, but told him I could handle it.  However ... he took the cart and started to the door!

Outside, he asked for more since I only told him about his car.  So ... in blistering heat, I told him as much as I could about other ways the government affects him every single day.  

Young man (after finishing loading my groceries in the car):  "Okay, you proved it.  But do I have to watch all the news and know everything?"

Me: "No.  But you certainly should make an effort to keep somewhat informed so you can find out if you like what our elected officials are doing ... or not.  Then you need to let them know.  YOUR views are important but they mean nothing if you don't share them with the people who make the laws that affect you."

He grinned ... did a funny little salute thing ... and said, "Just wait 'til I tell my friends!  They don't know any of this stuff!"

I think I need to buy a couple more RESIST t-shirts.  😊

Thursday, March 16, 2017

"I'm not into politics"

I was early for an appointment today and it was just me and the nice receptionist sitting in the very small lobby.  She is about 40 years old, nice dress, immaculate hair, great makeup.  Somehow, politics came up and she said:

"Oh, I'm not into politics."

Then she looked a little embarrassed and tried to explain by saying that politics and government just  don't affect her.  WRONG thing to say to a history/government teacher.  ::sigh::

So, I asked her to name the very first thing she did when she woke up in the morning - the very first thing.  She said, "I turn the light on."  Okay ... so I explained public utilities and the Arizona Corporation Commission, rates, etc.  Aha!  Government/politics involved in the very first thing she does in the morning.  

Then we went on to the bathroom, water, water/sewage rates, clean and safe water ... yep, government/politics involved in the water she flushes, drinks, bathes in.  And ... how government failed (and is still failing) in Flint, Michigan.

Breakfast.  Uh, huh ... food labeling, food safety, food packaging, food prices, farm subsidies, utilities for cooking and preserving the food.  Yep, government/politics involved before she even gets dressed in the morning.

By the time the tax guy was ready for my appointment, the receptionist had gotten in her car for the little exercise I had given her.  Mandatory auto insurance, auto safety regulations, road maintenance, traffic signs, fuel taxes, driver license, license tax ... yep, government/politics involved in her transportation.

This woman was more than a little surprised at how much government (therefore politics) is DIRECTLY involved in her life.  And she hadn't even gotten to work yet!

As I was headed down the hall for my appointment she asked how she could learn more.  I suggested she read ... and figure out what is really important to her.  That's the best I could do in the short time I had.

"I'm not into politics."   Well, honey ... politics is into you,  so get your head out of the sand and find out what's going on.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Because of women who marched ...

On January 21, 2017 women marched.  The Women's March in Washington, D.C. alone brought in 440,000 people. Crowd scientists told the New York Times that the march was three times the size of Donald Trump's inauguration crowd.  And don't forget ... the Women's March was not limited to Washington, D.C. Organizers list at least 673 sister marches from places like Russia, Indonesia, and Antarctica, with attendance of about 5 million. 

It was a day of empowerment.  But if you were on Facebook that day, or a few days after, you could read the conservative comments - written by women.  And those comments dismissed the march as being "silly" or "feminazi" or "ridiculous and unnecessary."  Oh, yes, the right wing had a field day and I expected as much.  What I didn't expect is that women would be that petty in response to a march that centered mostly around women's issues ... in other words ... human issues.

And then I read this.  I sure wish I had written it, but I didn't.  It is attributed to Ann B. Adams.  I don't know if she wrote it or if she shared someone else's words, but it needs to be repeated.


To all my conservative friends mocking and complaining about the Women's March on Washington and around the world, a gentle reminder:

Every time you go into the voting booth to choose your candidate - Republican or Democrat - you are doing so because of women who marched.

Every time you refill birth control so that you may plan and decide the best time for your family to have children (or how many), you are doing so because of women who marched.

Every time you go to a job outside the home to provide for you or your family, you are doing so because of women who marched.

Every time you open a checking account or credit card, buy property,  or make an independent financial decision, you are doing so because of women who marched.

The things you have today are the product of protest, social unrest, activism, and resistance.  Even the most anti-feminist 21st century woman still lives in the shadows of female activists who were willing to fight for generations they would never know.